Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Chig's Referendum Countdown - Number 1

#1 McAlmont & Butler - Yes 

It could have been Snow Patrol's 'Just Say Yes' (their belated answer song to the cast of Grange Hill*), but that's a bit boring. Instead we're ending with a massive, joyous 'Yes', which is what I hope Scotland wakes up to on Friday, if that's what they want too. You won't find words like 'should' and 'must' in my discussions of the referendum. It's another country's election and it's up to the people in Scotland to determine their own future. I'm happy that the referendum campaign has seemingly set in motion an unstoppable force for more local accountability in the other parts of the UK, whatever the results, and that's long overdue. Thank you, Scotland..

I can only say that I would be voting for independence in any independence referendum, because I believe in democracy being as local as is practical and in giving people a democratic say in their own future. I would be looking to Estonia as an example of a successful, small country and aspiring to be governed by the people that my own country votes for. 

Whatever the result on Friday, we could do with the campaigners in Scotland to come down and give us a hand to wake people up before the general election in May. With 97% voter registration and a turnout which should be well over 80%, plus the long-overdue enfranchisement of 16 and 17 year-olds, we can only look on in awe at how successful this campaign has been and how engaged the people of Scotland have become. I wish them well.

"Yes, I do feel better. Yes I do, I feel alright."

* Not really.

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