Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Chig's Referendum Countdown - Number 3

#3 Take That - Do What U Like

A few months ago, when David Cameron finally realised there was a referendum coming up and he should do something about it, he urged 'us' in the rest of the UK to "send a message" to Scotland to tell them what we thought about the referendum.

So, because I am a dutiful citizen, I did, via the medium of twitter. It said something like, "David Cameron has asked us to tell Scotland what we think about the referendum, so here goes. [Clears throat.] 'Do what you like'."

That tweet became one of the most popular I've ever sent and was retweeted loads of times, by both Yes and No supporters. It still sums up my attitude to the referendum. I know how I'd be voting if I lived in Scotland and I realise that the knock-on effects do affect all of us (hopefully with increased democracy in England, Wales and Northern Ireland), but I'm not going to tell people in Scotland how to vote. (They wouldn't take any notice anyway.) It's their decision.

And apart from that, this is an excuse to see Take That's leather, jelly and bums vid again.

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